
Kinesiology Taping

Kinesiology taping is a revolutionary approach in physiotherapy, offering support and pain relief for various physical conditions. See how this technique can aid your recovery and enhance your physical performance.

What is kinesiology taping?

Kinesiology taping is a therapeutic technique that involves applying a special elastic tape to the skin. This tape is designed to mimic the elasticity of the skin and muscles, providing support without restricting movement.

It's highly effective in aiding healing, reducing pain, and supporting injured muscles and joints during activity.

How does kinesiology taping work?

When applied correctly, kinesiology tape slightly lifts the skin, creating a space between the skin and the tissues underneath. This space reduces pressure on the underlying tissues, improving blood and lymphatic circulation. The enhanced circulation helps to reduce inflammation, alleviate pain, and accelerate healing.

Additionally, the tape provides support and stability to muscles and joints without impeding your range of motion.

Is this different from strapping?

Supporting strapping involves applying more rigid tapes or strapping materials to stabilise a specific body area. Unlike the elastic nature of kinesiology tape, supporting straps are often used to limit movement and provide firm support to weakened or injured joints and muscles, especially in sports settings.

Can it be integrated with other forms of treatment?

Kinesiology taping is often used with other physiotherapy treatments like manual therapy, exercise prescriptions, and modalities for pain control. This combination allows for a holistic approach to treatment, addressing your condition's symptoms and root cause.

Kinesiology taping is more than just a treatment technique; it's a tool that empowers your body's natural healing process, aids in injury prevention, and supports your journey towards optimal physical function.